Free £350 a month for accommodating Ukrainian households* [Govt scheme]

Amongst the many schemes the UK government have set up to help Ukrainian refugees, there is also the ‘Homes for Ukraine’ scheme where people can help to sponsor & house refugees.
*Please note that this one isn’t a freebie or a source of rental income – but rather an act of charity to help house refugees. The £350 is an optional ‘thank you’ payment of £350 per month to people who can accommodate one or more household (subject to the accommodation they have).

The thank you payment is limited to one payment per residential address. You will continue to receive payments for as long as you sponsor somebody for up to 12 months. This payment will be made in arrears.

Eligibility checks will be carried out which may include a visit to your home.

If you are interested in helping to sponsor/house Ukrainian refugees please read through the government website articles carefully and apply via the links below. Also if you know of any Ukrainians who would benefit from the scheme you can point them to the link below.

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