Free World Book Day Kids Book (delivered free too)
Update: working again
You can now get your completely free World Book Day delivered free too from books2door!
Just select your book and use the code at the bottom of the page to get it for free, with free delivery too
- Available whilst stocks last.
- Remember World Book Day vouchers are intended to be only 1 per child, don’t abuse this.
If you are not from England (e.g from Wales or Scotland), your voucher code will be different. You can get your free voucher here and copy the barcode number.
Tap the Get offer button, add any world book day book to your basket, at the checkout paste in your world book day voucher code (if you are from England, just copy the code below).
The book will be free, with free delivery too (no payment details needed).

Alternatively, Get your free World Book Day Voucher to claim your free book in store at supermarkets and book shops