Free WHSmith vouchers for old books

You can exchange your old books for free WHSmiths vouchers. Use their new Zeecle WHSmith Bookcycle tool to get a valuation and then drop off your books and receive your voucher.

  • Valuations are valid for 7 days and you can deposit the books in as soon as 30 minutes after getting the valuation
  • You can do up to 20 books per valuation
  • You must be older than 18


  1. You use the Get offer button below to scan the book barcodes and get trade in value estimate.
  2. If you accept the valuation, they email you a barcode. You can then deposit the eligible books at a participating WHSmith store.
  3. At the store, they’ll check the condition of the books and once approved you’ll be emailed your WHSmith Gift card from Zeercle.

Free WHSmith vouchers for old books
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