Free Whiskas Aromatic sample + chance to win £5k [game]
Play the Whiskas Purradise game and get a free Whiskas cat food sample and get entered for your chance £5000 cash.
The free sample (delivered free too) is for New WHISKAS Aromatic Selection Sample #sopost.
🗓️ No purchase necessary. Enter between 00:00 17/02/25 and 23:59 23/03/25.
🗓️ The winner of the £5k will be allocated via random draw to take place on 24/03/25
🗓️ Please note that due to availability, the free samples will not be dispatched until after 28.03.25.
🏆 Prize: free cat food samples (New WHISKAS Aromatic Selection Sample) + 1 x £5,000 cash prize. Max 10 entries per person.
Thanks to CurryQueen for sharing!
Tap the Get offer button below and play the game, complete the form to enter the £5k draw and if you said you have a cat it’ll then offer a free sample (#sopost form).