Free slice of cake + free beans [Costa]
This one’s a must have, 6x free beans with your first purchase + completely free slice of cake on your birthday at Costa.
Get the Costa app via the Get offer button below and make sure to enter your birthday within “Settings“, “View and edit birthday” and you’ll get a free slice of cake (of your choice) offer within the app on your birthday (completely free, no purchase necessary)!
You’ll also get periodic offers and earn points that you can redeem for a free drink every time you buy anything from Costa and scan your app before paying.
New users can use the promo code 3G6H8 on sign up to get 6 ‘beans’ for free! (10 bean points = a free drink).
The bonus beans get added to your account after your first purchase (where you scan your Costa app – tap ‘Rewards’ & ‘Use at till’)
🎂 See a list of all Birthday freebies