Free £10 takeaway voucher (students / teachers)

Adobe is running an offer at the moment, if you download their free app – Adobe Express using a student/teacher email that ends you can get a free £10 takeaway voucher when you follow the steps at the bottom of this page.

Offer as seen as a sponsored ad on Facebook (link below). There aren’t any further terms of the offer so it’s not clear how many they’ll have available to give away or when the voucher would be sent. Feel free to give it a go!


Follow the steps below:

  • Tap the Get offer button below and download the Adobe Express mobile app, create an account using an email address that ends “”
  • Use the “Generate Image” function (under AI functions) in Adobe Express to dream up your fave takeaway.
  • “Invite” (there’s an option to share the image by inviting others within the app) to claim your £10 voucher and dig in.

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