Chance to win (1 of 40) £19k IKEA kitchen / £200 Clubcard points [Tesco comp] [expired]

To celebrate Tesco Magazines birthday they’re giving Clubcard members a chance to win one of 20 kitchen makeovers worth £19,000, plus £1000 worth of Clubcard points to spend however they wish. There are 20 runner-up prizes of 20,000 Clubcard points (worth £200) up for grabs too.

🗓️ The Promotional Period is from 00:00 on 1st September 2024 and closes at 23:59 on 22nd September 2024.


All entries will be placed into a prize draw using a random number generator within 28 working days of the closing date.

The first 20 eligible entrants drawn will each win an IKEA kitchen and home furniture makeover and 100,000 Clubcard points prize

The next 20 eligible entrants drawn will each win a 20,000 Clubcard points prize.

Tap the Get offer button below to enter, good luck!

Tesco 20 years magazine competition
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